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Experts Panel


October 17th

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Michael Everett

Organizational Excellence Officer for the $50.2 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF)

Michael Everett is the Organizational Excellence Officer for the $50.2 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), one of the best-funded public pensions in the country, with a funding level of 98.2%. At IMRF, Everett is responsible for the effective use of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence at all levels of the organization and leads organization-wide improvement initiatives including strategic planning, project portfolio management, enterprise risk management and benchmarking. He has about a decade of continuous process improvement experience, including roles in the insurance and nonprofit industries. A former Illinois Performance Excellence (ILPEx) Examiner, Everett holds a B.S.Ed. from Ohio University, holds a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and is a certified Project Management Professional.


Karen Kiel Rosser

Vice President & Quality Improvement Officer for Mary Greeley Medical Center.

Karen Kiel Rosser serves as the Vice President & Quality Improvement Officer for Mary Greeley Medical Center. She is responsible for overall quality improvement and organizational excellence at the medical center. Kiel Rosser spearheaded the development and implementation of a systemwide framework for performance excellence utilizing criteria from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Program as well as the tools of lean and six sigma. Her positions prior to joining Mary Greeley include Vice President of Performance Excellence and Managed Care at Agnesian HealthCare, an integrated health care delivery system in Fond du Lac, WI, Network Development Director at Humana Health Plan in Milwaukee, WI, and Ambulatory Clinic Manager at Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee, WI. Kiel Rosser holds a Master's Degree in Health Care Administration from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor's Degree in Communications and Public Relations from the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. She serves as an examiner for the National Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award program and is a coach and lead judge for the Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence (the states Baldrige-equivalent program). She is a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and is a member of the Ames Morning Rotary Club, a past board member for the United Way of Story County, and a participant in Leadership Ames (class XXIV) program.

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Tyler Marr

City of Fort Collins Deputy City Manager

Tyler began with the City of Fort Collins in 2015 as a Graduate Management Assistant in the City Manager’s Office. In his current role as Deputy City Manager, Tyler works with the Planning, Development and Transportation; Sustainability Services, and Community Services service areas and oversees the City's federal and state legislative program to help deliver outstanding service to residents. In his years with the City, he has led and assisted numerous special projects with various departments and resident groups to reach collaborative and innovative resolutions on topics spanning infrastructure, housing, climate, collective bargaining, and community engagement. 

Tyler holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Kansas and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Colorado State University.

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Katherine Frank

Chancellor at University of Wisconsin-Stout, former Central Washington University Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Life and Vice President of Academic Innovation

Katherine P. Frank became the eighth chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, after a distinguished career as an administrator and faculty member. 

Before her appointment as chancellor, Chancellor Frank served from 2016 in two roles at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., as Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Life and Vice President of Academic Innovation. She also held the rank of Professor of English.
From summer 2014 until spring 2016, she was Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Northern Kentucky University. Frank served as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indiana University East, Chair of English and Foreign Languages at Colorado State University-Pueblo, and a faculty member and administrator of programs involving student writing, faculty professional development, and student success.
Chancellor Frank, the first female leader of UW-Stout, grew up in Colorado and has a bachelor’s degree in English from Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. She has master’s and doctorate degrees in English from the University of Washington, Seattle. Frank’s research interests include Romantic and Victorian English Literature, rhetoric and composition, the scholarship of teaching, 
and academic leadership

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